The Rest of the Story

How do we continue the lessons and demonstrations taught to us by Ascended Masters?  How do we step outside of our boxes of comfort?  Join us at Living Spirit’s Celebration Service, Sunday, 11:00AM, for the message, The Rest of the Story.

Keys to Conscious Living takes place before the service, 10:00-11:00AM.  We are currently studying The Tao, by Lao Tsu.  Please join us.

Our doors are open, with love!!

Bye Bye Boxes 2016: Unlimited Love Workshop

love circle

Since Valentine’s Day falls on a Sunday this year we have a perfect opportunity to celebrate love in all forms.  We are hosting a service/workshop that will focus on the boxes and walls we put up … boxes that can stop love in its purest form  from coming our way. Join us!  Service begins at 11 am…If you are a early riser please join our book study of “The Tao” at 10 am…Our doors are open with LOVE!



Bye Bye Boxes 2016: Check yoself!


I am so excited about our Bye Bye Boxes series!  An opportunity to explore the lack and limitations we place on ourselves.  I am by no means an expert but a work in progress I learning and teaching as I go.  God, the Universe, Divine Intelligence and Creator offer an unlimited supply of creativity and abundance…this is the energy available to all of us every day.  Life tosses us to and fro, we become jaded and we shut down…we literally build walls to protect ourselves from hurt…how can we step out? Into the land of trust, transparency and peace? Let’s talk about it…Join us this Sunday service begins at 11 am.  Early risers? We study The Tao at 10 am…Our doors are open with LOVE!