Mother Earth



Why are indigenous spiritual traditions calling us to honor the Mother?  Join us at Living Spirit for our discussion about Mother Earth, 11:00AM.  Keys to Conscious Living meets at 10:00AM.  Bring a book or reading that inspires you and read a passage for discussion.



Don’t forget out Community Drum Circle, celebrating Earth Day tonight, 7:30PM!!!


We love you!!!!!!!!!!


Easter on the Mound

Living Spirit will celebrate Easter on the Mound, 10AM with the CORE Center.  Please wear white, if possible and join us with an open heart.

CORE Center Reminder:

Inca Elder Willaru Hyauata will be  conducting Ceremony on the Florence Mound (1028 S. Court St., Florence, AL  35630, Google for directions to mound) on Easter Sunday at 10am.


Current message From Willaru:

“We cannot expect society to change until we change ourselves from within. The darkness of our world, the wars and pollution, is only a reflection of our personal lives of darkness and mental, physical and spiritual pollution. “Our true enemy, as well as our true source of strength, lies within,” When enough of us have conquered the that enemy then the external world will change. When this happens there will be no need for political parties of the left or right. There will be no need for governments because each citizen will know how to govern himself.’